Production: So what are we waiting for?


“Never before have people’s homes been so close and yet their hearts so far, Antonis Samarakis once said. Look around you. Wars and conflicts. Why so much hatred? Why so much selfishness? Have we always been like this? Let’s think for a moment.. . Is this what I want for the world I live in? Is this the world we will give our children, a world steeped in violence and hatred? If I hurt those around me, will I become better? No. Will I have done something right? No. Then why do I? So let’s start today by taking the first step together, against violence. Turning war into peace. Selfishness into solidarity. Hate into love. But how; What can we do about it? With simple everyday actions that seem small but have great value and we underestimate them. Just think for just one day, if we all did one good deed. How different our world would be if we continued this forever. How much better we would all feel. So what are we waiting for?”



So what are we waiting for?

Mokykla: 3ο Γυμνάσιο Χαριλάου
29 sausio 2023 00:00

“Never before have people’s homes been so close and yet their hearts so far, Antonis Samarakis once said. Look around you. Wars and conflicts. Why so much hatred? Why so much selfishness? Have we always been like this? Let’s think for a moment.. . Is t …