Production: Peace you should love Thales of Miletus


Peace, the supreme good praised like no other
The light that dissolves the gloomy darkness of War
It is the just sleep, the calmness and the progress
It’s the rise and guarante of life
That is why Man always seeks it and never gets tired seeking it
The Greeks have fought a lot throughout their History Civil Wars, Balkan Wars,
World Wars and they worship Peace as a Goddess, because the one who fights for
Peace knows what it stands for
When Peace emerges, the fields of War become fields to grow, guns turn into
ploughs, Curse becomes a wish and Force results in Creation instead of Death
Let our voices merge into the Kostis Palamas words
What if I dance the dance of War, it’s Thou, Peace that I worship on my knees



Peace you should love Thales of Miletus

Mokykla: 1ο ΕΠΑΛ ΚΑΤΟΧΗΣ
29 sausio 2023 00:00

Peace, the supreme good praised like no other The light that dissolves the gloomy darkness of War It is the just sleep, the calmness and the progress It’s the rise and guarante of life That is why Man always seeks it and never gets tired seeking it The …