Risen from our roots, a white deity, an indestructible symbol of supreme entity, pure, serene, white dove, a presence unseen, hovering above injustice, how many people, how many souls, hidden in the shadows for your glory, bowing to liberation, the lands are a burning desire, you embrace the heart, you come out like a bright sun, in the dark abyss, peace was named, purpose was ideal, you quenched them with immortal water, inspired the fighters, in the fiery faces, the odes were sung for you, they struck the wooden altars, your gifts, the hope of the enemy, you are the propulsion of the world, the laughter of the children, war has dimmed your spotless beauty, without mercy, your majesty, death was driven away, tyrants, despots, changed the world, dark days, long nights, heroes hid their glory in a manuscript, for you they fought, didn’t you realize? Black pages were written, didn’t you see, didn’t you read? Violence to violence, the turmoil of war, the masses were enslaved, slaves were coming, some treacherous, to divide the land, to sow hatred, in our thought, an invisible force prevails, a hidden form of thought takes hold of us; what remains? Resistance, an inexorable need. Today, let the voiceless people arm themselves; brothers, unite. Rums, rise up and raise a peaceful cross. Cut the ground and plant a Greek seed.