
The song was written by two teams, four girls and four boys, students of the seventh grade. They wrote both the lyrics and the music. Then we combined their works into one song. One verse, about a snowman, was written by a fifth-grade, girl. Acoustic guitar is played by a 6th grade student, boy; synthesizer by an 8th grade student,girl; kahon by an 8th grade student, boy. The “pearl” tamburica, a traditional Croatian string instrument, is played by a 6th grade student, girl. Our former student plays the bass guitar. About 15 fifth and sixth grade singers participate in the choir. We recorded and edited the song ourselves, without professional equipment. Here are the lyrics of the song:LET THERE BE PEACE

Peace, peace

Every being needs peace,
Peace is a gift from heaven.
The days are new,
My dreams are born.

When I look into your eyes,
I know peace will come.
When a child laughs,
Joy is hidden there.

Blue sky above us,
Let the voice of peace be heard!
I want to reach the sun,
Let’s open our hearts!

A million stars shine to us,
You and I bring peace,
Along this path of peace
A beautiful song is playing.

When I hear a bird sing
And the breeze caresses my face
Christmas days are coming
My worries pass.

I’m watching the snowflakes dance
While the children are making a snowman.

Blue sky above us…

Through a clear and clean drop
I see an olive branch
Sunny, clear day
We all go out in peace

When I see a tiny fluttering flower
I always think:
“That’s how the world should be!”
From America to Asia let there be peace
And let no one touch it again

Paz, shalom, eirene,
Kapayapaan, friede, mir
Hakuna matata

Blue sky above us….


Mir, mir

Svako biće mir treba,
Mir je dar s neba.
Bude se dani novi,
Rađaju moji snovi.

Kad te pogledam u oči,
Znam da će mir doći.
Kad se dijete smije,
Radost tu se krije.

Plavo nebo iznad nas,
Nek’ se čuje mira glas!
Želim doći do Sunca,
Otvorimo naša srca!

Milijun zvijezda nama sja,
Mir donosimo ti i ja,
Uz ovaj put mira
Predivna pjesma svira.

Kada čujem pjev ptice
I povjetarac miluje mi lice
Dani Božića dolaze
Brige moje prolaze.

Gledam ples pahuljica
Dok snjegovića rade djeca.

Plavo nebo iznad nas…

Kroz bistru i čistu kapljicu
Vidim maslinovu grančicu
Sunčan, vedar dan
Svi u miru idemo van

Kad vidim maleni lepršavi cvijet
Uvijek pomislim:
,,Takav bi trebao bit’ svijet!”
Od Amerike do Azije neka bude mira
I neka ga više nitko ne dira

Paz, ša-lom, ei-re-ne,
Ka-pa-ya-pa-an, fri-e-de, mir
Hakuna matata

Plavo nebo iznad nas…


Mokykla: Sesvete– Sesvete

