Production: Shandows


Participation of GEL N. Marmaras in the ESR Competition “Make it heard 2022”. Song title “Shadows”. Pravita Despina student B’ class wrote the music on lyrics by our school teacher Mavridis Konstantinos, sang the song with Lesvidou Eleni studenand of C’ class and accompanied with a guitar. The recording of the song was done in our studio that we have set up in our school for the radio productions of our students. My role was purely coordinating and animating.




Mokykla: Ημερήσιο Γενικό Λυκείο Νέου Μαρμαρά
6 kovo 2022 00:00

Participation of GEL N. Marmaras in the ESR Competition “Make it heard 2022”. Song title “Shadows”. Pravita Despina student B’ class wrote the music on lyrics by our school teacher Mavridis Konstantinos, sang the song with Lesvidou Eleni studenand of C …