
The 3rd Primary School of Zografou is a public Primary School in a suburb 5km away from the Greek capital centre. It numbers 281 pupils of 6-12 years of age and 41 members of teaching staff. It has got a long tradition in national and European projects and has gained the local community respect as a small but dynamic educational institution. Since it is located very close to the University of Athens, it hosts future Greek, English and French language teachers for their practicum period every year. The school’s blog can be accessed at

Radio Laidos

Alepoudismata: CritiriaToBecomeAPrincipal


In the framework of the European Erasmus+ Program KA229 “Freedom to Learn 2” (2020-2022) the students of ST3 dealt with Sustainable Development Goal 4 “Quality Education”. The children talked about the critiria to become a principal. Let’s hear some of …

Alepoudismata: School Uniforms


In the framework of the European Erasmus+ Program KA229 “Freedom to Learn 2” (2020-2022) the students of ST3 dealt with Sustainable Development Goal 4 “Quality Education”. The children talked about school uniforms and developed their arguments. Let’s h …

Alepoudismata: Vocational School of Tennessee


In the framework of the European Erasmus+ Program KA229 “Freedom to Learn 2” (2020-2022) the students of E1 dealt with Sustainable Development Goal 4 “Quality Education”. The children talked about schools in the world and looked for similarities and di …

Alepoudismata: Song “Kaigomai & Sigoliwnw!”


The students of grade C1 are concerned and take measures how to save our planet from overheating…. Enjoy them in a variation of a well-known traditional song.

Alepoudismata: Some different Schools in America


In the framework of the European Erasmus+ Program KA229 “Freedom to Learn 2” (2020-2022) the students of E1 dealt with Sustainable Development Goal 4 “Quality Education”. The children talked about schools in the world and looked for similarities and di …

Alepoudismata: The song of 3rd Primary School


Our school, entering its 61st year of operation, celebrates its birthday year with a creation of its people. Marilina, Konstantina and Despina, 4th grade students, wrote the lyrics for a song that will accompany Stella, our school mascot, on her journe …

Alepoudismata: Paradise High School in California


In the framework of the European Erasmus+ Program KA229 “Freedom to Learn 2” (2020-2022) the students of E1 dealt with Sustainable Development Goal 4 “Quality Education”. The children talked about schools in the world and looked for similarities and di …

Traveling…to the school of the past!

At the following link, you can listen to our radio message, watching a collection of photos from our school and the preparation of the message (videoclip): Have a good listen! Maria Petropoulou Informatics Te …

Alepoudismata: Song “Rainbow”


Our student, Lydia G. sign “The Rainbow” to us!

Alepoudismata: Advices for safe Internet!

The students of the 5th grade (E1 and E2) of the 3rd Primary School of Zografou, give us tips for safe internet browsing, in the framework of the Health Education program “I travel safely in the beautiful world of the Internet!” implemented in the scho …

Alepoudismata: Netiquette


“Alepoudismata”. The students of the 6th Grade of 3rd Primary School of Zografou, present the 12 rules of Good Internet Behavior, known as Netiquette.