Production: A child is giving a warning …
Our song intends to raise consciousness and warn humanity regarding the extent and the magnitude of the ecological catastrophe. The pupils wrote the lyrics spurred by the reading of a number of articles that focused on the dire repercussions which the human activity had and entailed historically on the planet and the severity of this infliction upon the environment, such as the extensive contamination of the soil, the sea, the water and the air, the depletion of natural resources, the extinction of a vast variety of plants and animals.
The pupils wrote the lyrics in groups, triggered by a number of images portraying ecological disasters. Subsequently, the pupils integrated the various verses into one poem entitled “A child is giving a warning”. With the help and support of the school’s music teacher the pupils composed the music and then they went to the studio to record their song. Finally, with the help of their teacher they made a small video aiming to capture visually the content of the lyrics.
Undeniably, the journey of the pupils to create this song, in tandem with their effort to warn the adults regarding the imminent and irreversible ecological disasters will be an unforgettable experience for them. It can be asserted that the whole process has reinforced their sensitivity towards environmental issues and it has rendered them more active towards practices that can be adopted for the reversal of the ecological crisis that we are currently facing.
Our video located at the link: https://youtu.be/l4MZ4g_V87c
Mokykla: 9th Primary School of Limassol (KA)

A child is giving a warning …
Mokykla: 9th Primary School of Limassol (KA)Our song intends to raise consciousness and warn humanity regarding the extent and the magnitude of the ecological catastrophe. The pupils wrote the lyrics spurred by the reading of a number of articles that focused on the dire repercussions which the …