The songs tell…
This production includes two shows created by the students of the Economics and Management department as part of their cultural programs

Συνέντευξη με τον Ανδρέα Κουρέτα
Επαγγελματικά δραστηριοποιείται στην σύνθεση μουσικής για τις παραστατικές τέχνες και στην διεύθυνση ορχήστρας στο μουσικό θέατρο. Τα τελευταία χρόνια έχει κάνει σημαντικές συνεργασίες όπως Grease, Ανάμνηση Σμύρνης, Ο Φτωχούλης του Θεού, Hair the music …

The ESR lovable students
The ESR students of the Veria Music School will keep you company with school memories and memories! A journey to the past, to the years of innocence. Parents, grandparents, teachers remember their school years and share their musical memories with us! …

Greek and foreign songs, and information about the touristic elements of our city.

Music Express
The Musical Express of the 3rd evening EPAL of Larisa is with you again this year with lots and lots of music. The show has changed day for this year and you will listen to us every second Wednesday from 22:00 to 23:00. Our Chrononaut, takes us back th …
Music tributes
Students of Music School of Lefkada, presents music tributes about bands and music eras, like eighties.
We are the 2nd EPAL CHALKIDA. Every 15 days we will keep you company with a lot of music.We will guide you to our city knowing the historical sights that a visitor can visit.
Music Express
The Music Express of the 3rd Evening EPAL LARISAS is and this year along with a lot of music. Our Chronosailor, every second Thursday from 22:00 to 23:00, travels back to the decades where the history of music was written and pays tribute to artists, b …

RadioStars- 2nd Model General Lyceum of Athens
Α show dedicated to bands

Journey to the past
Journey to the radio past – Music School of Veria 2012 -2021
G1 Science team
What is “atmosphere”? What do we mean with the term “greenhouse effect”? What is Spain known for? Twice a month we will be answering all these questions everybody wants to ask but never does!
ARTistes -It’s the most wonderful time of the year
Wishes from the students and teachers of Meliki Junior High School
Musical Express
Α production of the 3rd Evening EPAL of Larissa with tributes to artists, bands, records of the foreign music scene.

Πως θα κάνετε σωστά πατίνια;Πως γράφεται άραγε το όνομα σας με σήματα Μορς;Έχετε αναρωτηθεί ποτέ πως φτιάχνονται τα βιβλία;Συμβουλές για το πως να φυτέψετε ρόκα. Ποια χώρα είναι η μεγαλύτερη στον κόσμο;Τι συνέβη στον Τιτανικό;Ανέκδοτα για να γελάσουμε …

Dear friends, during this show, which is my second one, we will talk about WHATS PLAYING at concerts halls in Athens, for example Megaron Mousikis and other theatres in our city. We will also talk about how stars are born and how they die. Talk to you …
Ilissos the sacred river, to come to light again
We want to talk about Ilissos, from mythology to the present. Ilissos the sacred river that had dozens of temples and sanctuaries on its banks … on its banks inhabited by Nymphs and the Athenian citizens were walking. Ilissos the sacred river “buried …

Radio Island
This is a student podcast aimed at entertainment and information. Our radio podcasts will include many topics such as education, health, sports, music, movies, books, art & culture, amazing things and more. The broadcasts are planned within the fra …

Musical shades on a night background
The 3rd Evening EPAL of Larissa participates this year in the European School Radio with broadcasts of various topics, such as environmental issues, special tributes to World days, anniversaries, personalities or artists. Will inform and promote activi …

Radio Kampani
Our multilingual show features music and stories from Greece in Greek, French and English

The Travellers – Music School of Veria
The Travellers – Music School of Veria Στο τέλος της σχολικής χρονιάς 2018 – 2019 και αφού τα μέλη της ραδιοφωνικής ομάδας “Οι Ταξιδιώτες του Μουσικού Σχολείου Βέροιας” έχουν εκπαιδευτεί κατά τη διάρκεια της χρονιάς στην παραγωγή ζωντανών εκπομπών βγαί …

Music School of Veria feat 3o Gel Verias
Live radio show – Music School of Veria feat 3o Gel Verias Η ραδιοφωνική ομάδα “Οι Ταξιδιώτες του Μουσικού Σχολείου Βέροιας” σε συνεργασία με τη ραδιοφωνική ομάδα του 3ου ΓΕΛ Βέροιας από την “ESRατεινή Ημαθία” καλούν στον αέρα του ESR σχολεία του μαθητ …

Every Sunday the radio show “Sunights” will be with you for 2 hours with lots of laugh, infinite knowledge and musical alternations and revivals to give color to our Sundays.

We are souREALs and the frequency of our show will be every second every 15 days at 8 pm. We will be presenting great personalities.

Sport Time
We are a group of five boys, and will put you in the mood of the latest sports events. We will inform you about matches, championships and other developments in sports news.