This event took place between 10 am and 1 pm on Tuesday (May 8) in the Assembly hall of Garliava Juozas Lukša gymnasium. Many guests from different institutions and schools were present in this meeting: the Chairman of the Committee of Culture, Education and Sport of Kaunas District Municipal Council, the Chair of the Youth Affairs Council Vytenis Vitkauskas, Youth Affairs Coordinator, Chief Specialist of Kaunas District Municipal Administration Simona Vitkauskiene,  the Chief Specialist of the Department of Culture, Education and Sport of Kaunas District and the Curator of the Gymnasium Renata Valaitytė-Ramuckienė, as well as Doctor of Communications and Information Science, journalist  Jolita Linkevičiūtė-Rimavičienė , teachers and students from schools of Kaunas District. The main focus in  the event was put on the European School Radio as a source of innovative ideas  which help motivate students in their studying process.

In the event I heard a lot about European School Radio. After the principal V.Vitkauskas made the introductory speech,the teachers B.Danaitiene, V. Levanauskaite and L.Mickuviene presented the facts about the origin of this radio, discussed the aims and goals of the project ERASMUS+ NEStOR . The guest  journalist Jolita Linkeviciute –Rimaviciene  gave a nice talk  about journalist‘s job, suggested some involving topics for future radio shows.   The teams of our gymnasium also told the audience how they created their radio shows.

Naturally, we all waited for the Skype  connection. The Internet connection was good but only for the first several  minutes.  However, it was nice to see and hear the partners on the screen.

After speaking to Cyprus and Greece school members on Skype, we had some workshop activities. While being split into teams, we got a task to create a sign-call for European school radio both in Lithuanian and English.  The group work was moderated by our school students and later presented to the audience.

In my opinion,these radio shows and tasks we did in the event were really successful, they reached their goals – helped people to memorise the topic, improved their relationship and teamwork. The event was really interesting and useful for me: I learned a lot about European School Radio. The thing that I liked the most in this event was the opportunity to express my opinion to students and teachers from other countries! It was a great experience for me! In general, the event was great and I would really like to take part in more events like that.

Vytautas Rimkus, grade IB

Garliava Juozas Luksa gymnasium


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