Podcast: A recipe for peace

I am going to give you the recipe for PEACE

To have Peace, we must forgive. I forgive you
To have Peace, we must forget. I forget all the bad things
To have Peace, we can sing. Shall I sing you a song?
To have Peace, we must help others. “Do you need my help?
To have Peace, we must care.
I care for my friends
To have peace, we can hug. Can I hug you?
To have Peace, we can dance. Shall we dance together?
To have Peace, we can play. “Would you like to play with me?”
To have Peace, we must work. “Let´s work together!
To have Peace, we must love. “I love my family.
To have Peace, we must dream.

All: And we all dream of a world full of PEACE