Podcast: Peace is…

Students of our school’s drama&media group discussed about peace and decided to record a radio message about it. The messages were recorded by Zdravka Strmecki (a Croatian language teacher), Mladen Fotak (a music teacher) who also edited the recording. Antonia Pantelic (an ICT teacher) added accompanying music and student drawing related to the topic of the messages. We all had fun making the radio message.

Here is our radio message in English:
For me, peace is a special and unique gift.
Peace is something that not every human being can have.
For me, peace is a beautiful and social life.
Peace is the best gift for someone.
Peace is everything to me.
Peace is what every human wants, but few have it.
Peace is important, because without it we perish.
For me, peace is harmony and reconciliation between people.
For me, peace is friendship and equality between people, a world where everyone loves each other regardless of appearance and mistakes.
For me, peace is unity and equality among everyone in the world.
Peace is a unique gift and everyone would like to have it.
We can spread peace by not insulting and judging others.
Peace is the secret recipe for happiness.
Peace requires good company and friendship.
Even the restless need peace.
Peace is what everyone would like to have, but many don’t have.
We can keep the peace by not starting fights.
Peace is important for happiness.
If we don’t fight with others, there will be peace.
Peace is a state of eternal love.
We can spread peace by playing less violent games.
We can ensure peace by not making the mistakes of generations before us.

Παραγωγή: Peace is…
Σχολείο: Third Elementary School Varazdin