Production: Is this the world that you have created for me???


Participation of Kokkinochoria Lyceum in the competition of 2023 “Youth for Peace”. It was written by students who take part in the recording , who also accompany it with piano and violoncello. Participation of their teachers was just to coordinate it.

This world is just for you. You will live ,love, dream, here. This world will give you love and peace generously, will give feathers to fly high. In this world there is no violence and hatred. For you we will all be united a big family. In this world peace will shine everywhere that’s what I have been told…

Is this the world you have promised me to live in? It’s full of violence ,war, hatred. Where are all the things you promised?
Where is peace and happiness, humans?
Why do you violently abduct my dreams and hope. Is this the world you created for me? Is this where I will live?

NO!!!!!! Throw away all the guns , switch off wars sirens. Keep hatred away and open your hearts.
Love human! Let’s hold hands and embrace the world!

This is when serenity exists and like a star in the sky ,peace will glow!!!!!!(twice)



Is this the world that you have created for me???

Skole: Is this the world that you have created for me???
28 januar 2023 22:00

Participation of Kokkinochoria Lyceum in the competition of 2023 “Youth for Peace”. It was written by students who take part in the recording , who also accompany it with piano and violoncello. Participation of their teachers was just to coordinate it. …