Production: Travellers of Love


We set sail at the beginning of December after a poetry competition we organized at our school with the theme “The journey”. Each of us closed their eyes and dreamed of their own journey, through knowledge, history, love. The poems with love at the helm, expressed our feelings best. We chose one of the many and turned it into a song. Marilena, Marita and Peggy wrote the lyrics and Vassilis sang the melody softly. It was not long before Maria picked up her violin, Christina the keys and Andreas the youngest of the group (2nd grade) his guitar. And somehow “Travellers of Love” became a song. Our company, all third grade students, got on our boat and, holding hands, with our hearts beating fast, we reached the last days of February watching the earth from afar. And from inside our balloon, we thank you for the beautiful trip you gave us. Junior High School of Kamares Achaias
Encouragement : Aikaterini Dimoula, Filologist, had the idea to turn the students’ poems into songs
Maria Stavraki, Music Teacher, helped with the production of the song
Technical support: Maria Chorianopoulou, English teacher, created the video and submitted the final product
Logo: Naoum Pagona, 3rd grade student



Travellers of Love

5 marts 2022 22:00

We set sail at the beginning of December after a poetry competition we organized at our school with the theme “The journey”. Each of us closed their eyes and dreamed of their own journey, through knowledge, history, love. The poems with love at the hel …
