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Webex on air
Skole: 2ο Γυμνάσιο ΒριλησσίωνHow did everyday life change for young people due to Covid 19 pandemic? High school pupils from Vrilissa and Aidipsos will give their own answer on the air

Νότες Καραντίνας
Skole: 1ο Πειραματικό Γυμνάσιο ΑμαρουσίουΕπίκαιρη κοινωνική εκπομπή των μαθητών του 1ου Γυμνασίου Αμαρουσίου

Climate! Can we change?
Skole: 4ο ΔΗΜΟΤΙΚΟ ΣΧΟΛΕΙΟ ΤΑΥΡΟΥThe climate is changing throughout the world. We are the children of this world. Can we consider of our habits that are responsible for the climate change? Can we understand that every single action of ours can be the change for the better? Come with u …

For a deep breath
Skole: Dimotiko Sxoleio ConstantinoupoleosLet’s all take a deep breath, as we all need it! As long as it is clean!! Children of the 6th class of Constantinoupoleos Primary School in Cyprus investigate like reporters and make a role play about the environmental consequences in the everyday life …

Skole: 1ο Δημοτικό Σχολείο ΤριλόφουΑγαπητοί ακροατές, αγαπητές ακροάτριες του European School Radio το ΣΤ1 του 1ου Δ.Σ. Τριλόφου παρουσιάζει μια εκπομπή για τα παιδικά ατυχήματα και κυρίως αυτά τα ατυχήματα που συμβαίνουν στο σχολείο.

Skole: Α ΘεσσαλονίκηςTHE PLASTIC IN OUR LIFE: FRIEND OR ENEMY? Wherever we look around we will see plastic materials! What are the consequences of using plastics on our environment, economy and health? How can the plastic threat be tackled? These topics will be discussed b …

How the Internet is affecting our lives
Skole: 2ο Π.Π. Γυμνάσιο Θεσσαλονίκης2o Peiramatiko Gymnasio

we, young people, have dreams….
Skole: 1ο ΛΥΚΕΙΟ ΚΟΖΑΝΗΣTeenagers, girls and boys, have dreams. They are dreaming of having beautiful and healthy relationships, being huppy with the jobs that they ‘ve chosen. Also, they are dreaming of peace, justice and acceptance. They wand to share them with the audience …

Bee Three
Skole: ΓΥΜΝΑΣΙΟ ΝΕΑΣ ΚΑΛΛΙΚΡΑΤΕΙΑΣΝowadays, Internet, social media, computers and mobile phones have become an essential part of human life. Teenagers use the Internet “almost constantly”. The cell phone is almost a part of their body. That’s the reality…but is it harmless?

High School of Epanomi Thessalonikis
Skole: Eurοpean Schοοl RadiοHigh School of Epanomi Thessalonikis

High School of Epanomi Thessalonikis
Skole: Eurοpean Schοοl RadiοHigh School of Epanomi Thessalonikis

3rd High School Lyceum Classes
Skole: Eurοpean Schοοl RadiοRecreational, Cultural, Arts- History, News of the School-Update

News of the school – Update
Skole: Eurοpean Schοοl RadiοExperimental School of the University of Thessaloniki

1st Vocational High School from Kalamaria
Skole: Eurοpean Schοοl RadiοNews of the School – Information, Health, Science – Technology, Cultural

GEL Neos Marmaras
Skole: Eurοpean Schοοl RadiοGEL N. Marmaras participated for the first time in the Educational Program “I do radio on ESR” at Alexandrio Technological Educational Institute of Thessaloniki, on Friday 22/02/2019 at 11:00 am on the subject of “Teens and Social Networks”

2nd Vocational School of Evosmos
Skole: Eurοpean Schοοl RadiοThe group of pupils of the 2nd Professional High School of Evosmos, participating in the Erasmus + program of the school, will present to the listeners of EUROPEAN SCHOOL RADIO their experience of the trip to England and will inform you of “Active Agin …

2nd Vocational School of Evosmos
Skole: Eurοpean Schοοl RadiοThe group of pupils of the 2nd Professional High School of Evosmos, participating in the Erasmus + program of the school, will present to the listeners of EUROPEAN SCHOOL RADIO their experience of the trip to England and will inform you of “Active Agin …

2nd High school Xarilaou
Skole: Eurοpean Schοοl RadiοRecreational, Social, Cultural News of the School, Information

13th Elementary School of Serres
Skole: Eurοpean Schοοl RadiοVolunteering through our cinematographic workshop.

13th Elementary School of Serres
Skole: Eurοpean Schοοl RadiοVolunteering through our cinematographic workshop.

13th Elementary School of Serres
Skole: Eurοpean Schοοl RadiοVolunteering through our cinematographic workshop.